Freelance photojournalist and documentary photographer in Copenhagen


36 hours in Copenhagen for The New York Times

I recently photographed for the New York Times travel article ‘36 hours in Copenhagen. For the story I visited selected locations in Copenhagen such as Selma, Absalon, Tootsie, La Banchina, Juno the Bakery, Danish Architecture Center  and Tårnet.
Published in the newspaper last Thursday: Link

Charlotte de la Fuente
Glyptoteket for The New York Times

I was recently assigned to photograph at the museum Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen for The New York Times. The story was about the fact that many heads are missing from Greco-Roman statues.
Published in the newspaper yesterday.

Charlotte de la Fuente
Story on Stiesdal for The New York Times

A little while back I had the pleasure of working on a story about wind pioneer Henrik Stiesdal and the early Danish impact on what today is a multibillion-dollar global wind industry for The New York Times. I did both photographs and video for the story.

Article by journalist Stanley Reed. 

Published on the cover of the business section last Saturday.
Link to the story

The Danish immigration system for the French Magazine L'OBS

For French Magazine L’OBS I recently worked on a story about the Danish immigration system. For the story I met some of the Syrians who live in Denmark and Asif Mehmood who along with all his neighbors were forced to move from Mjølnerparken in Copenhagen by the Danish government.

Published in L’OBS Magazine in March.
Article by journalist Nathalie Funes.

Charlotte de la Fuente
Copenhagen's drainage system for German Fluter Magazine

I recently worked on a story about Copenhagen’s two squares Skt Kjelds Plads and Tåsinge Plads for Fluter Magazine. The two squares were the first projects in a big urban renovation project to protect Copenhagen against future floods. The squares now lead rain water into a carefully designed sewage system and have green areas to contain the water.

The project began after a big cloudburst in Copenhagen in 2011 which led to big floodings of the city. Now there are more than 400 renovation projects in the making in eight different municipalities in Denmark for 16 billion danish kroner. I photographed local life at the two square and Jan Rasmussen who was in charge of the renovation project at Copenhagen Municipality.

Charlotte de la Fuente